名称:ABC Arabian Suites |  | 编号:Pro2010315182641 | 星级别:3星级 | 价格:810元 | 房间类型:标双 | 时间:2010-03-15 18:35:18 | | |  |  | | 
酒店建于 2007, 上一次整体翻修 2008, 层数: 4, 房间总数量: 62, 单人间数量: 11, 双人间数量: 28, 有两张单人床的房间: 28, 有双人床的房间: 24, 套房数量(单间): 52, 普通套房数量: 28, 公寓数量: 52, 假日公寓 , 商务酒店 , 家庭酒店
- 酒店风格和环境
- Hotel is truely a business paradise and leisure paradise.Just opposite of new Gold Two buildings with true great ambiance.Colours used will give you really fresh feeling, woodwork is done in lobby.
- 酒店的特色
- Hotel has free parking, wifi internet ,24 hours room service and free drop to world exhibition centre.
- 接待
- 长达一天24小时
- 周末人工接待
- 长达一天24小时
- 最早入住登记
- 14:00
- 离店时间
- 13:00
- 酒店停业日期
- 为HRS客人提供的免费服务
- 1瓶矿泉水, 每日报纸, 停车场/车库, 晚结账(延迟至当地时间下午3点前
- 酒店地点、环境和景观
- Hotel is located just opposite of New Gold Souk Dubai. 5 minutes away from sheikh zayed road, Mina bazar and Dubai museum, food restaurants and shopping centres like Burjuman, Wafi, Karama.
| | 点击次数:1704 |  |